Wow, today I had the most amazing day. First I'll have to give a little back story. About 3 weeks ago our classroom received its package of 35 butterfly caterpillars. If anyone doesn't know, I love butterflies and next to dolphins I would say they are my spiritual creature. Thinking at first that I would miss out on them due to the time off for the wedding, I quickly found out that I would be back in time to see the hatch. Well, this morning I walked into work to find that 4 had hatched overnight....I was so excited...and anyone that was there knew it. As the day progressed 7 more hatched. I took one out of the habitat and held it...It fluttered its wings and crawled up to the top of my hand. The kids gathered around me to watch the butterfly....and the butterfly stared right back at them....I must of held it for a good 15 minutes as I really didn't want to put it back.......I wanted to keep it with me....Needless to say, like the doofus I can be, I forgot my camera at home....but you better bet I will have it with me Monday :-) Later next week the teachers and the kids are going to hae a butterfly releasing ceremony....I really hope some of them decide to stick around for awhile.......... Pictures forth-coming on Monday
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